thinking outside the ...
close de' box*
Via Mr. Sun, a challenge to come up with new slogans to replace that well-worn cliche, "thinking outside the box." My suggestions, based on years of forced attendance at corporate training sessions:
- Smoking some kick-ass talcum.
- Being a random word generator.
- Using up the airspace so no other idiot gets to talk.
- Desperately trying to think of something before I have to finish this sentence.
- Matriculating at the University of Me.
- Where's that goddam box when you need it?
- Thinking outside the unemployment office.
You get extra points if you caught the Kurt Cobain reference - the picture, of course, is of a "heart shaped box." (You remember: Hey, wait, I got a real complaint ... St. Cobain could be bitchy, too, as evidenced by his description of plump rival rocker Billy Corgan as a "pear shaped box.")
*You get even more extra points if you get the reference in the caption.
UPDATE: Give up on that caption reference? Go here.